Sunday, July 17, 2016

Defining Moments

What are some of your defining moments?

Did you recognize them when they happened as a turning point in your life?

At the time, an event can seem positive. Like a promotion or closing the deal on a new home.

A moment can also seem negative. Like the passing of a parent or being laid off work.

Pastor, A.R. Bernard said that a defining moment is a moment in time that defines something; A persons success or achievement, a talent is expressed. A defining moment is a point when the essential nature or character of someone is defined or exposed.

Defining moments also give us a sense of destiny. Our steps are ordered.

We are not a leaves tossed in the wind.

A defining moment reveals the center of our personal stories.

Our lives are an unfolding story. How we define moments is rooted in what or who ultimately defines our lives.

And so this weekend, July 16-17, 2016 I look back on a bitter sweet moment (or maybe it was sweet first, then bitter) that happened 15 years ago.

Monday, July 16th, 2001 our first child, Jeremiah, was born. Labor and delivery was tough on my wife, Aviance. But there was joy.

At the same time, my 80 year old Dad, Epifanio, was in a coma. It was a tough season for everyone.

I believe that my Pop’s spirit heard the news of Jeremiah’s birth that Monday evening and rejoiced. Next day, Tuesday, July 17th, early in the morning, my Dad passed away.

I had become a father. And I lost my father. It was a trial for the entire family.

For me, I couldn’t see it at the time, but it was a rite of passage.

That Tuesday, like today, was a beautiful summer day. Clear sky. Warm weather.

Someone said that a boy really doesn’t become a man until his father dies.

15 years ago, Jeremiah was born on a Monday and my Pop, Dad, left for his celestial home on Tuesday.

Back then, and even today, I had to make a choice.

How would I define that moment?

I chose to believe that nothing escapes God’s sovereign hands. I trusted those hands of God because in them were nail prints.

God began to "Father me" in a new way.

Overwhelmed by those two days I was now open, because I was broken, to more of my Heavenly Father’s purpose.

The Father would now teach, comfort, and strengthen me through his Word and Spirit in a new way.

Defining a moment does not mean you know "why" something happened.

But for, it means, I know "how" to respond and "where" I am going.

From that moment, my Father in heaven has shown me how to pour my life out for my wife and children.

My Heavenly Father has taught me to be a good steward of my time and relationships.

There is no time to waste. Not time to ever lose focus on his purposes for my life.

And the Father has taught me that the past is a reservoir of lessons. The past is a reference point for the present and fuel, not a lid, for the future.

Yesterday we had a great birthday celebration for Jeremiah. He deserves nothing less. So grateful for everyone who celebrated with us.

And today is Sunday. The first day of a new week. The day my Lord, Christ Jesus, rose from the dead.

Death will not have the final word. My father’s fragrance is with me and I carry on his legacy. One day I will see Epifanio again.

But its Sunday. And my Heavenly Father is just getting started defining my life.

What are your defining moments?

I encourage you to define those moments, see the story of your life, through the God whose nail pierced hands steer the course of our lives.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Life, God, & Chess

What images come to mind when you think about life and faith?

Remember when Forest Gump said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"?

It sure feels like that sometimes. Although, in my opinion, the movie was far more about Providence than Chance.

What about sports? The Apostle Paul often used GrecoRoman sports as metaphors for faith like, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control,[b] lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 ESV

What about chess?

Ariana, my 12-year old daughter, was given a Sunday school assignment to connect faith and chess. Although she doesn't play chess often I enjoyed her metaphors.

Here are a couple of her insights:
  • The wrong move can affect everything. We don't see the bigger picture sometimes, but the things we do can effect everything in the long run.
  • God uses us to 'capture' others and bring them to our side/Christ.
  • God puts us where we need to be not where we want to be.
  • You can't just move a piece for fun you have to move it for a reason, like how God created us for a reason.
  • And there are people in life that help you move ahead and make a way for you.
  • We have to make a way for our team and help the other pieces get to their right place. Then its checkmate for everyone!
I pray that the Lord will help my wife and I to raise our princess to be a Queen after his own heart.

I'm grateful for her reflection.

A lot of people feel like pawns. But God calls us a royal priesthood.

Some folks don't know what moves to make. But we can pray for wisdom.

In this dark times, it feels like we won't win. But we are more than conquerors.

Most of all, I'm grateful that the Lord Jesus Christ is in control of the board.

Whatever moves I make, whatever moves seem to come against me, the Lord is with me.

His plans prevail.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Light up the darkness

Today, July 8, 2016, marks three days of violence in the U.S.

How should Christians respond to the corruption of our times? 

Prayer gatherings? Protest rallies? Political engagement?

It is never just one approach. We are a body. Christianity, the church, is a dynamic movement. 

Remember what our Lord says about us? 

“You are the light of the world--like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.” (Matthew 5:14)

It’s time. 

Light up the darkness


Christ Jesus is the triple cure for human ignorance, guilt and corruption.

Our Lord shares his authority as prophet, priest & king with his body, the Church, the Christian. 


Be Prophets
Be a prophetic voice to the powers. Hold forth God's standards for justice & partner with those who hunger & thirst for righteousness… 

Be a prophetic voice WITHIN our own racial, economic, ethnic & generational context.

Be Priests
Be priests showing the love & compassion of God to everyone especially the marginalized…

Be priests who bear each other’s burdens & teach the lifestyle of Christ with the power of the Spirit... 

Be Royal
Be Christ's vicegerents who cast a consistent vision so the image of God in everyone is honored... 

Be Christ's vicegerents by demonstrating how power is given to serve others into a quality life… 

We are ambassadors of Christ’s reign, presenting the good news of forgiveness & new life in Christ Jesus. 

Through the Spirit & the Scriptures we share the power of Christ to transform individuals, cultures and systems.

Let’s call people to the Great Command to love God above all & love our neighbors as ourselves. 

Some of us are more priest than prophet, more king than priest, etc. 

But together we are the body of Christ, the united front for God's reign. 

We are Joseph. Dreaming & planning so that everyone in the land can eat well.

We are Ruth. Loving the other across racial, ethnic & economic boundaries. 

We are Esther. Dining with kings to stay the hand of evil. 

We are Nehemiah. Passionate about our people, building structures against evils within us, & outside of our camps. 

We are Daniel. In exile yet remaining faithful to God & our friends. We will counsel good and evil rulers & stand by faith against evil. 

We are exiles still seeking the peace & prosperity of our strange lands. 

We are a people of prayer & power.

We are the church. Full of the Spirit who gives visions & dreams

We do not have a spirit of fear. Ours is the Spirit of power, love and soundness of mind

And the gates of hell will not prevail against us. 

We will not be held captive. 

And there is no person or place that cannot be transformed by the gospel. 

Love God, be loved, love others... 

Light up the darkness